Yu Blog

Latest Thinking

Year: 2015

Dec 2015

Christmas Wishes from Yu Centrik

  We wish you a happy holiday, from the entire Yu Centrik team!  

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Dec 2015

Future of Retail 2016 SF: How Uber delivers delight

  If you have 15 minutes during your holidays and want to learn on how user experience can change the way a product or a..

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Dec 2015

First group of UX-PM participants certified in Montreal!

Congratulations to our first group of UX-PM participants certified in Montreal! The International UX-PM Certification in User Experience (UX) is live. This certification is dedicated..

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Dec 2015

Choose your own Christmas tree

This year we’ve had the pleasure of re-visiting the idea of the Christmas tree, inspired by the different professions in our field.  Do you recognize yours?..

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Dec 2015

Data, context and design

Is user research in design obsolete or is it more important than ever? Earlier this year, we conducted a Design Thinking workshop in partnership with..

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Dec 2015

Canadians and their customer experience

I read this morning the new American Express survey revealing that 3 out of 4 Canadians have spent more with a company because they’ve experienced..

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Dec 2015

Japan – Where the Customer Is a God

from Mitsue-Links our UX Alliance partner. There’s one thing about Japan that never fails to amaze my American friends whenever they visit me in Tokyo. It’s something..

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Dec 2015

Think full screen: rethinking date selection on responsive sites

By AXANCE, our UX Alliance partner This week, UX researcher Eric Nouri brings us a concise but effective article on the proper way to display calendars date-pickers on..

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Dec 2015

Time and Place: Redwoods

The Coastal Redwood (Sequoia sempervirens) trees exist along the western coast from southern Oregon down through the top half of California. Coming into contact with..

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Dec 2015

UX-PM: an international UX certification for Project Managers

As consultants in the field of User Experience, we at Yu Centrik have all had the chance to see different companies fight their way into..

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