Dec 2015
Invitation to celebrate the World Usability Day with Yu Centrik

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Yu Centrik invites you for breakfast on Thursday November 12, from 7:30 to 9:30 AM, to celebrate the 10th anniversary of World Usability Day. Its mission is to promote the idea that technology should help people improve and enjoy their lives, and will be celebrated in 25 countries through 57 events.
The chosen formula will be in Pecha Kucha format, Japanese for the “chatter”. The concept is simple: presenters take turns to share with the audience a subject in no more than 20 slides in 20 seconds each. The audience has 2 minutes to express reactions and interact with the presenter ‒ a fun experience!
Inspired to share refreshing initiatives showcasing The Human Side of Innovation, the speakers will be :
- Diane Leclair Bisson, Comestible (presentation in French)
Diane is associated to the School of Design of the University of Montreal where she co-founded the research group Design and Society. She is now devoted to her research and focuses on the behaviors that govern our lifestyle. Her book Edible will be on sale at the event. - Dave Lewis, Senior UX Designer at Yu Centrik, The “to” in Farm-to-table (presentation in English)
- Joëlle Stemp, President & cofounder at Yu Centrik, Touchez et essayez SVP! Une expérience unique de magasinage (presentation in French)
- Carmen Bossé, UX Designer at Yu Centrik, Le contact humain qui alimente la technologie (presentation in French)
- Annemarie Lesage Ph.d, UX Director Research & Design at Yu Centrik, Un succès au-delà de toutes attentes (presentation in French)
Croissants and coffee will be served. The event is free, open to all, and will be held at 1435 St-Alexander St, Suite 700 in Montreal. Places are limited, registrations are now open on Eventbrite.
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