World Usability Day aims to promote usability across different countries of the world by inspiring activities and events. The day focuses on showcasing easy-to-learn, easy-to-use,..
We are proud to announce several new projects with Unesco, Tata Communications Group and CIHI. These projects each involve a user-centered approach; the same winning..
The Nokia Ubimedia MindTrek Awards is an international competition, one of the categories in MindTrek Awards. The other MindTrek Awards are only for entries made..
While walking through the Berri-UQAM Subway Station in Montreal, I noticed that a cell-phone company named Koodo (a low-cost brand of Telus) has implemented touch-screen..
Facial expression, a reflection of user experience
Recently, an article on Technaute (Cyberpresse) caught my attention. It’s about Phillip Toledano, a photographer from New York who takes stunning portraits of real people..