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User Experience (UX), A Differentiating Factor!
Feb 2016

User Experience (UX), A Differentiating Factor!

Young woman using her iPhone
Young woman using her iPhone

By Annemarie Lesage, UX Director, Research and Design

While preparing an introductory webinar on UX for product managerswe started to reflect on the state of UX today. Our field has evolved as it has gained appreciation in many business circles, bringing organisations closer to their users, customers, people.

Who would have guessed AirBnB would affect the hospitality industry so much? Or that car sales in cities would be plummeting in favor of services like Car2Go or Bixi? It is not enough to simply chalk it up to “the sharing economy”; these experiences renew how we move around town; actually AirBnB is re-inventing travel lodging all together.

The commercial success of this new generation of services and products (e.g. Tangerine, or some of BNP Paribas’ initiatives; Snapchat or the much-talked about Uber) is based on key domain-specific experiences; experiences that are engaging, intuitive and more than good: their users are delighted.

These organisations were able, in very astute ways, to listen to their clients. Another change was brought in by social networks, as power over a brand is now shared between the organisation and its customers.

Good brand image calls for good customer experience.”

These changes all point to one key factor underlying the best new product and services: a great commitment to and mastery of user experience (UX). 

The good news is that UX approach can be learned; the methods are many and can be adapted to all challenges and organisations. As mentioned above, we will present a webinar on the topic of UX as a differentiator. Should you be curious, or ready to make a move towards UX, join us. It’s free and in French (we will have another one in English at a later date).

Click here to register through Technologia.

Webinaire sur «l’expérience utilisateur (UX), un facteur de différenciation!» présenté par Joëlle Stemp et Annemarie Lesage, formatrices UX, le 16 mars 2016 de 12 h à 13 h.


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1 Comment(s)


Very interesting! Thanks for sharing.

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