IA Summit: Day 1
So here I am, at the most important event for information architects, the IA Summit being held in Miami this year. It’s the moment that the community reunites to share domain-specific knowledge and advance the discipline.
The real conference starts tomorrow, Saturday. Today is a pre-conference day. I assisted in Peter Morville’s training session (one of the two fathers of IA – the other is Lou Resenfeld… that’s right, IA has two dads and no mom). The presentation, “Information Architecture 3.0”, was an interesting talk about the integration of web 2.0 concepts such as user-generated content, social networking tools and dynamic pages with information architecture.
Saturday will be filled with small presentations and discussions which will be kicked off by Jared Spool’s Keynote address, a fact which guarantees us a few laughs to get the conference started on the right foot.
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