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Oct 2007

November 8, 2007 – World Usability Day! Get involved, take part!

Greetings one and all!

World Usability Day will take place next November 8 and we would like to organize something for our business community. Nothing pretentious, but inviting enough to allow us to exchange ideas or projects outside of a work context. In this day and age of the Web 2.0, it is quite normal to sound the call and solicit ideas for content regarding the event we are planning. It was our thought to hold a type of “Pecha Kucha” evening here in the office on the 8th, from 4 o’clock to 8 PM.

But what is “Pecha Kucha?”

Pecha Kucha, (Japanese for the “sound of conversation”) is a simple concept: create an opportunity for individuals to speak about a project, which is important to them, in an informal and relaxed setting. The projects are presented through the media of no more and no less than twenty slides, on power point, with only twenty seconds narration per slide.

It was then our thought to invite colleagues and clients to propose ideas for presentations in this format. Since the theme of usability day is “health,” it would be interesting to give priority to those who propose ideas about the difficulties of being innovative, and creating products, for the health services sector. However, we will not close the door to those whose proposals are related, closely or otherwise, to usability, user interface design and human factors.

If you have a project which you think would be of interest to the IT and usability community, and are tempted by the 20 slide format, then do not hesitate to forward your idea to me and I will grant you a select position on the November 8, 2007 program. All proposals to: cblack@yucentrik.ca or 514 523-5862. There being a limited number of slots, we suggest you act fast. So far there are two proposals on the program:

  • Walter Cybis de Abreu: Web usability assessing tool for transactional Web sites.
  • Karine Grandé: A Flash tool to create Personas.

Those who do not submit proposals are invited just the same to the Pecha Kucha. Come and Zen out, wine and cheese will be served.

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